Great Italian Boxing

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Interview with Leonard Bundu, the “Florentine of Africa” with a Humble Heart

Always cheerful and smiling outside the ring, a true lion within the sixteen ropes: Leonard Bundu was like that, a champion with a humble heart and inexhaustible competitive spirit. His…

From Palo del Colle to Brooklyn, Vito Antuofermo and His Indomitable Courage

A boxer’s victories are certainly important to enamor the fans, but when triumphs are accompanied by a fighting style and indomitable courage, the acclaim of the large public becomes inevitable.…

The Dream that Shatters Obstacles: Agostino Cardamone and His Battles

When your father strongly opposes your desire to become a boxer, to the point of threatening to kick you out of the house, and when your first teacher tells you…

A life against all odds: Carmelo Bossi, the silent champion

Reserved and shy, firmly opposed to flaunting his successes, which were indeed numerous: Carmelo Bossi contributed greatly to Italian boxing without ever seeking fame and magazine covers in return. Perhaps…

Sandro Lopopolo: Ring Dancer or Safety-First Boxer? For History, He Was a Champion!

The super lightweight category has given Italy’s boxing scene enormous satisfaction. In this weight class, some of our most talented boxers have competed, from the immortal Duilio Loi, to the…