The opposite of everything

ByVitalba Tanzarella

Jun 18, 2024

Unlike many other disciplines, boxing is fundamentally an individual sport, yet it is much more common to find respect among boxing companions than among athletes in team sports where unity and support should be strength. That of the boxer, the REAL BOXER and not someone who calls themselves one without truly being one, is made by their big heart and noble spirit. 

And noble and respectful is also the attitude towards the opponent, their “bitter enemy”, a fair play that reigns supreme. Indeed, one can observe a very high percentage of fair play and humanity, a lot of consideration. Born inside a ring or on its edge and, often, carried outside to the point of even resulting in real and proper great friendships. 

Let it be clear, this is not rhetoric, nor should it be made to be all-encompassing, because as in all things there are always cases and cases, people and people. But it is an aspect perhaps sometimes underestimated by those who do not know this world, by those who often stop at the mere definition of the term “boxing” found in the dictionary. By doing so, they discover that it “is a sport in which two athletes fight against each other, in which the winner is whoever overcomes or knocks down the opponent”. Or even in the broadest sense of the term, but even more concise, brief, and uninformative, that it is a “violent exchange of punches”, but instead, everything, at the end of a fight, is the opposite of everything. At least for those who do not stop at appearances. 

Certainly, the verdict in the ring decrees the winner according to the rules of the game: the purpose is to put something tangible at stake, whether it be a medal of little importance or an important belt, whether it be for a neighborhood champion title or the entire world. 

But the beauty of boxing and what is most fascinating about this sport is seeing the true victory, that of values, which goes beyond “technical” skills and the obviousness of the result. The real winner is not the one who overcomes the opponent, but the one who, despite doing so, remains humble, human, and respectful towards those they face. There will never be true losers in a ring as long as loyalty rules! 

Not by chance is it called the “noble art”. Because it sows courage, strength, and sacrifice, cultivates technique and character, but above all, rewards the protagonists with noble hearts. Something that should be an example for everyone’s attitude every day. A beautiful life lesson, a great moral of the story.

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